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奚诗科技 奚诗科技 04-26 【资讯】 181人已围观


"New Objectivity" Photography refers to a movement in the early 20th century, primarily in Germany, characterized by a sharp focus on objective reality and a rejection of romanticism and idealism. This movement emerged in response to the upheavals of World War I and the economic instability of the Weimar Republic. In German, it is known as "Neue Sachlichkeit."

The New Objectivity photographers sought to capture the essence of their subjects without embellishment or sentimentality. They often depicted everyday life, focusing on urban scenes, industrial landscapes, and portraits of ordinary people. This style of photography was influenced by the principles of Neue Sachlichkeit, or New Objectivity, which emphasized clarity, precision, and a direct engagement with reality.

Key figures associated with New Objectivity photography include August Sander, whose monumental project "People of the 20th Century" aimed to document the diversity of German society through portraits of individuals from all walks of life. Sander's work exemplifies the objective approach of the movement, as he sought to create an encyclopedic record of his time without imposing subjective interpretations on his subjects.

Another prominent photographer associated with New Objectivity is Albert RengerPatzsch, whose work focused on the formal qualities of objects and industrial landscapes. RengerPatzsch's photographs are characterized by their sharp focus, careful composition, and attention to detail, reflecting the movement's emphasis on clarity and precision.

New Objectivity photography had a significant impact on the development of documentary and street photography, influencing later movements such as social realism and street photography. Its legacy can be seen in the work of photographers around the world who continue to explore the themes of everyday life, society, and the human condition with a cleareyed, objective perspective.

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